To revise Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to an enormous complicated System full of conflicting incentives getting stuck in a weird equilibrium. When that weird equilibrium is crushing people in its gears, don’t attribute that harm to a conspiracy of evil powerful people who planned it all and profit from it. There is no master plan behind the US medical system, it’s just an enormous complicated thing that got stuck. Even if there’s a billionaire or politician benefiting from the current setup, they didn’t cunningly plan for the US medical system to be dysfunctional, and they couldn’t make anything be different by choosing otherwise. Conspiracies of evil people plan how to profit from the System’s current stuck state. They don’t decide where it gets stuck.
-EY the other day
And yet it is you who knows the truth of his guilt. I say the best way is to ‘put him on trial’. If you will. I want to see him pressured to explain himself totally and under threat that if here lies, he could be banned (like perjury) and that if we have reasonable doubt that he may be innocent, he is free.
P.P.S. We know you, Clarity. You wouldn’t get mistaken for an Eugine sockpuppet if you tried. You’re just different brands of crazy. :-P
-EY the other day
And yet it is you who knows the truth of his guilt. I say the best way is to ‘put him on trial’. If you will. I want to see him pressured to explain himself totally and under threat that if here lies, he could be banned (like perjury) and that if we have reasonable doubt that he may be innocent, he is free.
I love this, thanks! :) haha